What we value
Community: Who we are:
Cross-centered The foundation of our identity and the character of our relationships within the church community and toward the community at large is the sacrificial work of Jesus Christ. His perfect life, bloody cross, and empty tomb provide the power and the example to live in loving, restoring fellowship with one-another. The cross is both message and method to accomplish the restoration of all things. Cross-cultural Christ’s words and deeds transcend and extend to all peoples and cultures without prejudice. Because his grace is indiscriminate of culture, so must ours be, showing mercy without prejudice to any man’s cultural traditions. Cross-generational Jesus sent His Holy Spirit to equip every member of his body, regardless of age or station in life, to make His glory and grace accessible and known to every man, woman and child. There is no stage of life protected from the demands of following Christ with all your heart. Ministry: Why God Saves We think there is an undeniable logic to God's grace. He has loved us so we love one another. GFC has been saved to love and serve both those within our local body and those outside. We do this through evangelism, practical help, financial giving, sharing our time, our money, our lives with those in need. We do this because God's love has transformed us. Missions: Our Place in the World We honestly believe the greatest thing going on in the world is that Christ is building his Church. It is such an important building project that when it is over this present age will come to an end. We believe that Jesus' kingdom will fill the entire earth, and because it will, we participate in missions to the ends of the earth. We participate in the mission nearby through church planting and far away through our participation in the Reformed Baptist Network. Worship: Our Highest Calling God saves us to change us from rebels to worshipers. Worship is something that we want to do privately and publicly, in private devotions, family worship, and in the public gathering of the church. Worship should fill our lives and should be the very core of our life. All that we do should be for the Glory of God. So whether we are eating or drinking or whatever we do it should be done in reverent joyful praise. |